Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Communist intelligence at work

For someone who experienced the communist reality first hand, the contents of the "Polish independent publications collection, 1976-1990", part of the Hoover Institution Archives, are source of a good laugh. This collection contains a myriad of "independent", "underground" bulletins, periodicals, monographs and pamphlets.

Here is a small sample of the titles. English translations are mine.

SZANIEC: biuletyn informacyjny Ruchu Mlodziezy Niezaleznej.
EARTHWORK: news bulletin of the Independent Youth Movement.

SZKOLA: dwutygodnik uczniowski. Miedzyszkolny Komitet Oporu.
SCHOOL: school students biweekly. Interschool Resistance Committee.

SZTUMSKA SOLIDARNOSC: pismo spoleczno-kulturalne.
SOLIDARITY OF SZTUM: social and cultural magazine.

WALKA KLAS: organ Rewolucyjnej Ligi Robotniczej Polski[ej] sekcji Czwartej  Miedzynarodowki.
CLASS STRUGLE: bulletin of the Revolutionary Workers' Leage of the Polish section of the Fourth International.

WARMINSKI INFORMATOR NIEPODLEGLOSCIOWY: pismo Polskiej Partii Niepodleglosciowej.
WARMIA INDEPENDENCE INFORMER: magazine of the Polish Independence Party.

ZADLO. Organizacja Studentow Monarchistycznych.
STING. Monarchist Student Organization.

Sztum, a small town in east Pomerania is notable for its harsh prison, not for any civic movement.

To fabricate a vast amount of fake publications signed by fake opposition groups was no big deal for the communists. The West continually makes the same mistake over and over again, misinterpreting the communist (and therefore also postcommunist) mentality and the communist overcapacity to lie, forge documents and organize all sorts of intrigues and provocations.

Just try to think about it. After deliberately murdering tens of millions of people and throwing hundreds of millions into misery and slavery, manufacturing fake organizations and fake social movements complete with fake publications is absolutely logical. It is a logical consequence of faking everything on all levels under the communist dictatorship.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Manufacturing archives for the Hoover Institution

The collection of Hoover Institution Archive

Polish independent publications collection, 1976-1990

is likely to consist mostly of documents manufactured under the guidance of the Polish communist dictatorship. The reality in Poland of that period was such that no independent activity was possible. You did not have to do any "underground" activity in order to be thoroughly controlled by the communist secret services. If you were classified as a communist enemy, your life was quietly surveilled and often sabotaged, much like the Die Zersetzung program of the East German Stasi. This was common practice in the communist countries of Eastern Europe.

It is absurd to claim that there were groups of people doing extensive "underground" activity. Well, they did it on orders of the communist authorities, who organized fake opposition to themselves in order to fully control the situation.

If anything, the collection in the Hoover Institution Archive is an excellent example of a communist provocation/simulation.

Faking history

The January 30, 2000, issue of the Hoover Digest contains an excerpt of a text by Z. Brzezinski, former national security adviser to President Carter, entitled "How Solidarity Arose".

This is an example of how a myth engineered by communists themselves is propagated in the West.

Brzezinski is completely wrong on this issue. Is this a result of a complete lack of critical thinking on his part or something much worse?

Friday, December 12, 2014

Provocation National Movement

Ruch Narodowy (National Movement) is a fake movement created recently by political technologists of the Polish neo-Bolshevik junta. It is entirely organized and controlled by the functionaries of the junta. Its activities are simulated. Junta controls the entire fake political spectrum in Poland. New fake movements or parties can be created from scratch and quickly equipped with a basic ideology and sizable number of members.

Obviously it is a provocation.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Functionary Jaroslaw Kaczynski

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of the opposition Law and Justice Party (Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc), is a man of the junta.

His family was well treated under communism in Poland and enjoyed some privilege. A good example of privilege is casting the Kaczynski twin brothers, Lech and Jaroslaw, in a movie for children "O dwóch takich, co ukradli ksiezyc". This was a highly preferential treatment by the communist authorities, who left nothing to chance and spontaneous, independent choice. The tales of Kaczynski's family opposition to communism were developed much later.

If Lech or Jaroslaw Kaczynski were posing even the smallest threat to communists, they would have no chance to perform even the smallest public roles, neither before 1989, nor after 1989. Communists had an absolute, total control over the entire process of the so-called transition and over the entire "democratic opposition". Communists themselves created the simulation of a movement opposing communism and placed their people in all public roles.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski's behavior in the entire period after 1989 leaves no doubt regarding his role. He was cast in his role by the junta.