Saturday, April 5, 2014

Narrative in concentration camp Poland. Permanent cognitive deficit

According to the conventional view every action of some political entity is meant to serve some purpose. It is tacitly assumed that a political actor does A to achieve the goal of B.

However the actions of the local junta in Poland indicate that their preferred method is very often not centered on doing A in order to reach B. The real goal is often to excite strong emotions about some contentious issue, artificially creating such an issue if necessary, and then trying to maximize the narrative gain using the emotional manipulation as the main tool. In other words, B is not the goal of the action. While B is stated officially as the goal of the action, the real profit comes from arresting peoples' attention. Choices made by the population subjected to strong emotional pressure are hard to reverse. First comes the pressure for an emotional commitment, then the manipulation is carried out, not the other way round.

By forcefeeding the public with emotional stir junta creates an impression of a vigorous public debate. A long, seemingly endless emotional stalemate is the junta's goal. Cognitive resources of the population are thus wasted on relatively unimportant things, while key areas of the camp's functioning remain beyond the cognitive horizon.

The absolute, total control of the narrative in all its aspects, including the full control of the characters participating in the narrative, is the foundation upon which the entire BTL (below-the-line) dictatorship stands. In the concentration camp paradigm, the only characters allowed to take part in the narrative are the camp's rulers and guards. The prisoners are to remain nameless. They might appear briefly in some episodes but junta does everything to hijack their personal narratives and falsify them to suit the needs of the camp.