Thursday, October 23, 2014

Simulation of an emergency

This is a frequently used form of public narrative control. It is based on a simulation of an accident, explosion, fire, or some other extraordinary situation. Subsequently, media attention is devoted to the simulation. In the case of the "news" channels Polsat News, TVN24, and TVP Info it may result in devoting 100 per cent of the broadcast time to the simulation.

The aim of the simulated narrative is of course to replace the realistic narrative. The simulated narrative may be organized to contain elements present also in the natural narrative, which for some reason should be jammed or entirely hidden. The key narrative elements consist of the personal characteristics of persons,
places, actions, i.e. everything that determines the uniqueness of the story.

Participation of emergency services in crisis situations implies increased traffic within the emergency communication system. This enables inconspicuous transmission of information about a real crisis situation, unrelated to the simulated one and hidden from the outside world. Thus communication in a simulated emergency may serve the function of an encryption channel for the hidden real emergency.

This morning's situation in Poland fulfills the criteria of a simulated emergency.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fake everything

The Polish minister of agriculture called some of the apple producers "losers" couple of days ago. He used the plural of the noun "frajerzy" in Polish. No sane politician would consciously expose himself to obvious angry reactions in such a stupid way. What motivated the minister to make a political fool/idiot of himself?

The official explanation is an emotional mistake or minister having a bad day. Something like that.

In reality this was a provocation consciously prepared and executed. Another act in the completely fake politics in Poland. The public narrative in Poland is devoid of spontaneity.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Do you want spies with that borscht?

The news of arrest of two men in Poland who allegedly spied for a foreign country seem to be fake in more ways than one.

Keep in mind that essentially nothing constrains falsification of the public narrative in Poland.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Provocation Independet Student Association

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Faking it in Poland

It was reported in the Polish media that on Monday night, October 6 2014, at 8:55 pm local time an explosion occurred in the Wesoła coal mine in Mysłowice in southern Poland.

The key message went like this: "An ignition and probably a methane explosion occurred at the depth of 665 meters, on the wall 560". Thirty seven miners were said to have been present in the danger zone at the time of accident.

However, a conscious analysis of the media reports strongly suggests that the accident reports are fake.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Faking it in Ukraine

Last Sunday morning, October 5 2014, around 10 am, a female Polish reporter working for the Ukrainian was interviewed by two hosts, male and female, on the morning show of the Polsat News tv station. The subject of the conversation was reporter's experience in the "war zone" in eastern Ukraine.

The reporter's story was, like many other tales from Ukraine, completely fake. She was supposed to have been wounded in an artillery fire. Unfortunately the story was not true.

On Monday, October 6 2014, the new secretary general of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg was on an official visit to Warsaw. His speech broadcast live on tv indicated that the NATO command has been duped. In other words, the simulation of a conflict in eastern Ukraine seems to have worked. Mr. Stoltenberg believes there is a real conflict there.

Is there anyone with a brain in the NATO headquarters?

Of course the seeds of this cognitive disaster have been planted long time ago.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


An article in the Internet edition of the Polish daily with the largest circulation sounds an alarm bell that the current Russian leader is arming Russia: 243 nuclear warheads are said to have been deployed near Russia's western border! The source of this news is apparently some "Norwegian organization".

The article is accompanied by a picture of a huge missile during some military parade.

Is this announcement believable? It is actually in the interest of the Russian leadership to scare the West. That's the best way to manipulate the political decisions of western democracies. Russia does not have to deploy actual warheads. It suffices to deploy empty warheads or something similar that someone in the West will "discover" with or without a little help from the Russian side.

Russia's real strength is entirely elsewhere. Russia's strength is based on the use of human intelligence and deception. The production of a fake narrative is far less expensive and much more useful in the long run than production and maintenance of nuclear arms.