Thursday, June 19, 2014

Psychological Torture in Concentration Camp Poland

LS Borkowski

Release 11,  Poland, 26 May 2014

Psychological Torture in Concentration Camp Poland. The Falsist Dictatorship

Judith L. Herman in her book Trauma and Recovery (1992) wrote:

A single traumatic event can occur almost anywhere. Prolonged, repeated trauma, by contrast, occurs only in circumstances of captivity. [...] repeated trauma occurs only when the victim is a prisoner, unable to flee, and under the control of the perpetrator. Such conditions obviously exist in prisons, concentration camps, and slave labor camps.


The methods of establishing control over another person are based upon the systematic, repetitive infliction of psychological trauma. They are the organized techniques of disempowerment and disconnection. Methods of psychological control are designed to instill terror and helplessness and to destroy the victim's sense of self in relation to others.

Angela Ebert and Murray J. Dyck wrote in their article (The experience of mental death: The core feature of complex posttraumatic stress disorder, Clinical Psychology Review 24 (2004) 617-635),

The experience of a prolonged totalitarian control in conjuction with organized violence often leads to mental death, which is characterized by loss of core beliefs and values, distrust, and alienation form others, shame and guilt, and a sense of being permanently damaged. Mental death is a primary feature of a distinct posttrauma syndrome, complex posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


Mental death occurs in the context of totalitarian control, which is characterized by entrapment and wanton harm-doing by people to people. Although there are many different forms of totalitarian control and each form is associated with mental death (...), totalitarian control is most fully and most horrifically exemplified by the experience of torture