Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Communist intelligence at work

For someone who experienced the communist reality first hand, the contents of the "Polish independent publications collection, 1976-1990", part of the Hoover Institution Archives, are source of a good laugh. This collection contains a myriad of "independent", "underground" bulletins, periodicals, monographs and pamphlets.

Here is a small sample of the titles. English translations are mine.

SZANIEC: biuletyn informacyjny Ruchu Mlodziezy Niezaleznej.
EARTHWORK: news bulletin of the Independent Youth Movement.

SZKOLA: dwutygodnik uczniowski. Miedzyszkolny Komitet Oporu.
SCHOOL: school students biweekly. Interschool Resistance Committee.

SZTUMSKA SOLIDARNOSC: pismo spoleczno-kulturalne.
SOLIDARITY OF SZTUM: social and cultural magazine.

WALKA KLAS: organ Rewolucyjnej Ligi Robotniczej Polski[ej] sekcji Czwartej  Miedzynarodowki.
CLASS STRUGLE: bulletin of the Revolutionary Workers' Leage of the Polish section of the Fourth International.

WARMINSKI INFORMATOR NIEPODLEGLOSCIOWY: pismo Polskiej Partii Niepodleglosciowej.
WARMIA INDEPENDENCE INFORMER: magazine of the Polish Independence Party.

ZADLO. Organizacja Studentow Monarchistycznych.
STING. Monarchist Student Organization.

Sztum, a small town in east Pomerania is notable for its harsh prison, not for any civic movement.

To fabricate a vast amount of fake publications signed by fake opposition groups was no big deal for the communists. The West continually makes the same mistake over and over again, misinterpreting the communist (and therefore also postcommunist) mentality and the communist overcapacity to lie, forge documents and organize all sorts of intrigues and provocations.

Just try to think about it. After deliberately murdering tens of millions of people and throwing hundreds of millions into misery and slavery, manufacturing fake organizations and fake social movements complete with fake publications is absolutely logical. It is a logical consequence of faking everything on all levels under the communist dictatorship.